In Search Of Incredible | Tibet | Tibet Pilgrimage 2015

Tibet Pilgrimage Day 11: Saga / Shigatse

October 10, 2017

[The following post is from the archives of my In Search Of Incredible blog, originally published on 17 January 2016]


4 August 2015, Monday

After the high (we did it!) and low (we did it! But it was freaking shag!) of completing the gruelling Mt. Kailash trek, the next day was spent on the road backtracking the same way back from Saga to Shigatse. As it was pretty much the same route but in the opposite direction, there isn’t much to talk about, so I shall skip the words and let the pictures tell the story.

But before that, I must say that we were so glad to arrive at Shigatse again because it was a good hotel and we finally got to take a proper shower after five days, and it felt sooooo goooood. If I didn’t remember wrongly, XY spent about an hour in the shower!

Our accommodation at Saga. About to set off to Shigatse.
Porridge, eggs and mantou for breakfast
And we bought 豆浆油条 from the shop next door to complement our breakfast
Stopped to take photos of the snow mountains
We own the road!
Random mountain scenery along the way
Tibet is really the Roof of the World
Mirror-like lakes
A herd of yak grazing…a common sight in Tibet
Such a useful hack…all bottled potato chips should come with a tray
Beware, sheep crossing!
Lots of meh meh

At a lake, but I cannot remember its name

Tenzin acting cool (as usual) and smoking away in the background

Back at Shigatse for dinner…banana fritters
Potato croquets
More of the “Crystal Jade” egg fried rice…yummy

Slurps…the food is shiok!